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Quickstart Guide

This guide explains how to set up your environment for Dashbox development using the Dashbox CLI tool. It includes information about prerequisites, installing the CLI, creating an initial workspace and starter app, and running that app locally to verify your setup.


To use the Dashbox framework, knowledge of Angular is helpful, but not required.

To install Dashbox on your local system, you need Node.js and npm properly installed on your machine. It is also possible to use Yarn instead of npm. We recommend selecting the LTS version to ensure best compatibility.

To verify the installation, open a new terminal window and run:

node --version
npm --version

Install the Dashbox CLI

You use the Dashbox CLI to create projects, start builder, and perform a variety of ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment.

To install the Dashbox CLI, open a terminal window and run:

npm install -g @dashbox/cli

To verify the installation, run:

dashbox --version

Create an App

Next, create a Dashbox app:

dashbox new my-app

Next, change into the app folder:

cd my-app

Run the App

The Dashbox CLI includes a server, for you to build and serve your app locally.

Run the following command:

dashbox serve

And voilà! Your Dashbox app is now running in a web browser. Most of your app can be built and tested right in the browser, greatly increasing development and testing speed.